Name - Epidemic.
Color - Dark red (99000).
Weapons - Nuclear fists
Weapon description - One of Epidemics traits is his Nuclear fists. As a result of his complicated birth he was born with slightly altered genes. The bio-nuclear infection affected the genotype that made up his hands, Phenotype "Glowing hands". Whenever Epidemic's hands come in hard contact with an object a small nucleur explosion occurs. Epidemic is immune to this.
Description - ---------------------------------------------
START TRANSMISSION-------------------------------------------------------
14/1/1985 7:13pm - The AUS army quarentines the Royal Perth Hospital. None of the Local officials are notified why.
14/1/1985 9:56pm - Locals report blood curdelling noises from within the hospital.
14/1/1985 10:16pm - AUS army ensures the public the quarentine was just a drill.
14/1/1985 11:55 pm - Numerouse locals claim to have seen two 'glowing lights' coming from the hosptal. "They seem to be alive, it was like they were in a frenzy" a common remark.
15/1/1985 1:32 am - AUS government issues the army a state wide warrent allowing full access to all household/industrial and commercial building in and around Perth.
19/1/1985 - AUS army begins raiding local establishments.
They gave no explanation.
7/2/1985 - All transport in and out of WA has been ceased including air travel, road networks and shiping.
7/2/1985 5:56pm - AUS government announces the 'small' inconvinience will be over shortly.
They were wrong.
21/2/1985 3:22pm - A startling video is posted on youtube. The video contained scenes of a woman giving birth in the Royal Perth Hospital. Shortly after giving birth AUS army troops stormed in wearing biohazard suits. After a struggle the woman giving birth was killed. Meanwhile glowing lights were seen traveling away from the scene.
21/2/1985 5:12pm - Youtube is shutdown.
The video recieved 13,000,000 + views.
22/2/1985 9:52am - After many flaming emails and public outbreaks the government is forced to come clean.
22/3/1985 9:52am - The AUS priminister stated " The Royal Perth Hospital was quarentined as a result of a bio-nuclear hazard, we have reason to believe one of the patients at the hospital were exposed to this radiation, Unfornutetly the patient had just given birth. We never found the child."
END OF TRANSMISSION---------------------------------------------------
Powers - Nuclear fists - Extremely powerfull punches (Explained above).
Extreme speed - Epidemic's whole body radiates with tiny nuclear reactions. The reactions taking place on his feet help propel him to insane speeds.
Weaknessess - Hospitals - Epidemic is terrified of hospitals as a result of his horrific birth.
Troops - Because they killed his mother
Availability- Currently unavailable
Demo - Coming soon