Fighters Picture :
Fighters Name : Julius
Fighters Color: #4A0D67
About : Julius has always been obsessed with puppets, he grew up in a small town so his creations were made of scraps. most of his creations were bent and strange and always seemed to move with a unnatural life. His parents fearing he was possessed by a demon had the local priest come to exorcise him in the shed but later that day they found young Julius turning him into a puppet.
The town chased him out to a large cliff and forced him off but he was saved by his own shadow, from this day he has continued to create odd puppets and treats his puppet as his only friend.
Powers : Can control anything that is attached to the strings on his Marionette Controller, also he can control his shadow (Shadow Puppet)
Weapons: Marionette Controller, Puppets
Weaknesses : Normal Human, Puppets can be destroyed, can only control one puppet at a time, any living creature he can only slow by connecting strings, if he is not holding the Marionette Controller his puppets are motionless, shadow may not lave the ground, shadow has low density
Demo : is kind of rushed, will update it later and improve)